Quick Tips for Rising, College Bound Seniors

Quick Tips for Rising, College Bound Seniors- Down and Dirty Version

Recently, I just finalized a mini-series of podcasts on tips for rising seniors for all of the important things they should know and be doing as they headed into the summer before their senior year. It was AMAZING, and I highly recommend that you take advantage of watching all 4 of the podcasts, but if you don’t have time or just want to read this to get the synopsis, here is what is covered:

  1. How to make your College List

  2. What you should do this summer to have a standout application in the fall

  3. Making the most of your college visits

  4. How to write the best college admissions essay

If you're reading this, I’ll assume you wanted to read the cliff notes version, instead of watching 4 podcasts, so let’s go!

Your Initial College Search & College List

Types of Colleges

  1. Colleges

  2. Universities

  3. Trade/Technical Schools

  4. Community Colleges & Junior Colleges

Enrollment Stats:

44.4% of High School Seniors Enroll in a 4 year college

21.8% of High School Seniors Enroll in a 2 year college

4 Year College Considerations:

  • Size

  • Location

  • Majors

  • Other- Cost, Campus Offerings, Sports, Etc.

2 Year College Considerations:

  • Class Offerings

  • Transferability

  • Majors

  • Other- campus offerings, sports, location

Where to search for colleges:

  • College Board

  • Naviance

  • The Princeton Review

  • US News & World Report

  • Cappex

  • Google

Now, it’s time to create your list, but make sure you follow this list of Dos & Don’ts

List Dos

  • Keep your list in one document that is easily accessible and hard to lost- add all of the information you find important to this list (I happen to have one for purchase on my site or you can create your own) 

  • Decide what is important to you in a college first Include any school that piques your interest 

  • Plan to visit the school 

  • Look at all aspects of the school- size, location, majors, admission rates, etc. 

  • Listen to what others have to say about the school- but take it in stride 

  • Start to schedule your visits 

  • Include schools that will be safety, target and reach on your list

List Don’ts

  • Add a school to your list without researching it 

  • Add a school to your list just because a friend is applying there 

  • Get too caught up on cost...yet 

  • Limit yourself to a set number that has to be on this list

Making the Most of Your College Visit

Why visit? It’s the single best predictor of whether you will remain at a college for all 4 years, thereby increasing your chances of graduation exponentially!

General College Visit Tips:

  • Visit early

  • Revisit if you like it

  • Ask questions

  • Take advantage of anything they offer

  • Make notes after you leave

  • Only visit 1-2 schools in a day

  • Cross it off your list if it doesn’t feel like home

Why Visit Early?

  1. Cut your list from 25+ down to less than 10 quickly 

  2. Less apps to fill out 

  3. Know academic minimums you need to hit 

  4. Allows more time to revisit your favorite schools later

Utilize both in-person and virtual visits- both are great options. Virtual visits should be used to do an easy quick tour of the campus and attend events for schools that are far away. In-person visits are great to get the best feel for the college.

What To Do On Your Visits:

First Visit 

  1. Take a campus tour 

  2. Schedule an interview with an admission officer 

  3. Talk to coaches of sports in which you might participate 

  4. Eat in the cafeteria 

  5. Gage how comfortable you feel there 

  6. Read the student newspaper or scan bulletin boards to see what activities are going on 

  7. Ask students why they chose the college 

  8. Wander around the campus by yourself 

  9. Browse in the college bookstore 

  10. Walk or drive around the community surrounding the campus 

  11. Ask students what they do on weekends 

  12. Ask your tour guide a couple of questions

Follow Up Visits

  1. Follow Up Visits 

  2. Attend an open house or other admission event 

  3. Sit in on a class of a subject that interests you 

  4. Talk to a professor in your chosen major 

  5. Talk to a counselor in the career center 

  6. Ask students what they love/hate about the college 

  7. Seek out other student publications—department newsletters, alternative newspapers, literary reviews. 

  8. Look around for construction projects or signs of building improvements (a good thing as it signals quality facilities) 

  9. Spend the night in a residence hall 

  10. Listen to the college's radio station 

  11. Ask to see a dorm room that you didn't see on the tour

If you’d like a sample of some questions you can ask, I have a free version here.

What To Do This Summer To Enhance Your Application

Studies report that the 2 most important factors to college admission professionals are:

  1. Academics

    1. Course Rigor

    2. Trends in grades and classes taken

    3. Course selection for last year

    4. What courses your high school offers

  2. Personal Experiences

    1. Essays

    2. Letters of Recommendation

    3. Involvements

    4. Community Disruptions

What Should you do this summer:

  • Check course selections for senior year

  • Start your essays

  • Get involved

    • Volunteer

    • Work

    • Job Shadow

    • Athletics

    • Clubs

    • Interest-demonstrating activities (i.e. robotics camp)

  • Speak up- colleges want students who are involved

  • Test, if you can

Writing the Best College Admissions Essay

What You Need to Demonstrate in Your Essay:

  1. How well you can write

  2. What valuable contributions will you make to their college

What Makes A Good College Admissions Essay?

  • Personalized

  • Detailed

  • Motivating/Captivating

  • Good Grammar/Punctuation

College Admission Essay Dos & Don’ts


  • Read the prompt carefully (be sure to answer the prompt) 

  • Start with a compelling opening 

  • Set yourself apart from others

  •  Give details and examples to support your statements/main idea 

  • Write about something that is important to you 

  • Reflect on your topic, don't just recount 

  • Write using your own voice, not someone else's 

  • Whenever possible, relate it back to the college


  • Don't make simple grammar and spelling mistakes 

  • Don't forget to have someone proofread 

  • Don't try to be funny unless you really are funny 

  • Don't use clichés 

  • Don't contradict yourself or other parts of your application in your essay 

  • Don't wait until the last minute 

  • Don't write just one draft and call it good

Review the Common App questions now so you can start thinking about what you will write.

Steps to Writing a Great College Admissions Essay

  • Brainstorm- Answer these questions in bullet points, timeline or with drawings:

    • What I want colleges to know about me.

    • What do I value the most.

  • Find an Essay Structure that Works Well (below are 2 of the ones I like best)

    • Montage: focuses on a series of moments/images from your life.

    • Narrative: focuses on one specific moment in your life

  • Revise and Revise Again

  • Get Feedback

4 Things Every Good College Admissions Essay Has:

  1. Varied Core Values (the essential information part of your essay)

  2. Vulnerability

  3. The “ah-ha” moments (important or interesting connections)

  4. Flow- logical but not boring, succinct, etc.

Now that you’ve gotten the down and dirty, I wish you the best of luck during your application process!

I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for more information, please visit my website- Higher & Hire. If I can be of assistance to you, please reach out to me here.

Many Thanks!


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